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Sociological Theories of Social Change

Sociological theories of social change offer diverse perspectives on how and why societies transform over time. Here are some prominent theories:

  1. Functionalism: This theory views society as a complex system with interconnected parts working together to maintain stability and order. Social change is seen as a gradual adjustment to maintain equilibrium between different social institutions.
  2. Conflict Theory: Developed by thinkers like Karl Marx, this perspective emphasizes societal change as a result of conflicts between different social classes competing for resources and power. Change occurs through revolutionary or evolutionary struggles.
  3. Symbolic Interactionism: Focused on individual-level interactions, this theory suggests that social change emerges through the reinterpretation of symbols, meanings, and social interactions. It emphasizes the role of small-scale interactions in shaping larger societal changes.
  4. Modernization Theory: This theory posits that societies progress through stages of development, typically from traditional to modern. Change is driven by technological advancements, industrialization, and cultural shifts toward a more rational and secular worldview.
  5. Dependency Theory: Originating from critiques of modernization theory, this perspective argues that global inequality and underdevelopment are result of the exploitation of less developed countries by more developed ones. It highlights economic and political dependencies shaping social change.
  6. World Systems Theory: Similar to dependency theory, this framework focuses on the global system, examining how economic and political relationships between countries influence social change. It emphasizes core-periphery dynamics in global capitalism.
  7. Structural-functionalism: Building on Durkheim’s work, this theory highlights the role of social structures in maintaining stability. It views change as necessary for societal evolution and adaptation to new circumstances, with institutions adapting to meet new needs.
  8. Postmodernism: This theory challenges grand narratives and emphasizes the fragmentation and fluidity of contemporary societies. It questions the idea of linear progress and instead focuses on diverse, conflicting, and constantly changing social realities.
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