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Emile Durkheim, W. D. Halls, Lewis Coser The Division of Labour in Society Contemporary social theory 1984[1]

The works of Emile Durkheim, W.D. Halls, and Lewis Coser are significant in the field of sociology and social theory.

These scholars’ contributions have had a lasting impact on sociological thought, especially concerning social order, conflict, and the organization of societies.

The Division of Labour in Society by Emile Durkheim, which is one of the foundational texts of sociology and a classic work of social theory. This book was first published in French in 1893, and was translated into English by W.D. Halls in 1984, with an introduction by Lewis Coser1. The book is part of the Contemporary Social Theory series, which features the works of influential thinkers such as Max Weber, Karl Marx, Georg Simmel, and others2.

The book explores the origins, development, and consequences of the division of labor in human societies, from primitive to modern times. Durkheim argues that the division of labor is not only a source of economic efficiency, but also a basis for social solidarity and moral order. He distinguishes between two types of solidarity: mechanical and organic. Mechanical solidarity is based on the similarity and homogeneity of individuals, who share common beliefs, values, and norms. Organic solidarity is based on the interdependence and differentiation of individuals, who perform specialized and complementary roles in a complex system. Durkheim shows how the transition from mechanical to organic solidarity is accompanied by changes in law, religion, education, family, and morality1.

The book is widely regarded as a masterpiece of sociological analysis and a landmark in the history of social thought. It has influenced many scholars and disciplines, such as anthropology, psychology, economics, political science, and philosophy. It has also inspired debates and critiques on topics such as social integration, anomie, collective conscience, social facts, functionalism, and structuralism3.

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