1. Born in Germany's Furth on May 27, 1923, Heinz Alfred Kissinger experienced the upheaval of the Nuremberg Laws at the age of 12, which revoked German Jews' citizenship.  Departing Germany in August 1938 with his family, sponsored by a relative in New York, he embarked on a transformative journey to the United States. It was there, in this new land, that Heinz Alfred Kissinger transformed into the renowned figure we know as Henry, a symbol of resilience amidst historic changes.

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2. According to the BBC, the individual who once held the role of the United States Secretary of State played a pivotal role as the primary diplomat and national security adviser in both the Nixon and Ford administrations.

3. During his tenure as secretary of state under Republican President Richard Nixon in the 1970s, this German-born Jewish refugee left an indelible mark on numerous pivotal global events that defined the era. Reuters reported that his involvement spearheaded the diplomatic breakthrough in opening relations with China, landmark discussions on arms control with the Soviet Union, enhanced relationships between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and culminated in the Paris Peace Accords with North Vietnam.

4. Amidst the complexity of history, Mr. Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in negotiating an end to the Vietnam War, despite the conflict's continuation and his North Vietnamese counterpart, Le Duc Tho, rejecting the accolade.

5.During the 1971 India-Pakistan War, Nixon and Kissinger encountered strong criticism for their perceived support towards Pakistan. Kissinger's regrettable comment labelling the Indians as "bastards" echoed widely, later becoming a point of reflection for him.