Tribal communities in India are groups of people who have a distinct culture, language, religion, and way of life from the mainstream society. They are also known as Adivasis, which means original inhabitants. According to the 2011 census, there are around 645 scheduled tribes in India, which constitute about 8.6% of the total population1. Some of the major tribes in India are:
- Gond: They are one of the largest tribal groups in India, mainly found in central India. They have a rich tradition of art, music, and folklore. They practice animism and worship various gods and goddesses.
- Bhil: They are the second largest tribal group in India, mainly found in western and central India. They are known for their hunting and archery skills. They celebrate various festivals, such as Holi and Diwali, with their own rituals and customs.
- Santhal: They are the third largest tribal group in India, mainly found in eastern India. They have a strong sense of community and social justice. They have a distinctive dance form, called Santhali, which is performed with drums and flutes.
- Khasi: They are one of the major tribal groups in northeastern India, mainly found in Meghalaya. They have a matrilineal society, where the lineage and inheritance are traced through the mother. They are predominantly Christian, but also follow their traditional beliefs and practices.
- Munda: They are one of the major tribal groups in eastern India, mainly found in Jharkhand. They have a democratic system of governance, where the village headman is elected by the people. They have a rich oral literature, which includes songs, stories, and proverbs.
These are just some examples of the diversity of Indian tribal communities, who have their own unique culture, traditions, and customs. They also face various challenges, such as poverty, lack of education, displacement, and discrimination. The government of India has taken several measures to protect their rights and welfare, such as the Scheduled Tribes Act, the Tribal Sub Plan, and the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. However, there is still a need for more awareness and respect for these communities and their heritage. 🙏